Monday, May 15, 2017

2017 Week 19: Mother's Day and more

A photo of my favorite flowers before they fade away. I mentioned an area where I wanted to plant lillies of the valley. So Michael ordered a bunch and planted them! Next year hopefully we will have many more of these fragrant beauties.

After Monday meal at Stephan's I walked up and down the lane taking pictures.

 And on the way home  we stopped to catch this view of the sunset and a couple of geese enjoying the flooded field.

This was the last week of the semester so after final tests and speaking evaluations on Monday, I spent a day or two calculating and submitting final grades.

Michael took advantage of the good weather this week to accomplish several outdoor tasks. He cut the tall grass around the bee hives so he could monitor their activity unhindered. He replaced the old broken down steps leading down to the lower level.

And can you guess what he's installing below?

Tuesday and Thursday evening robotics meetings started up again although not many students have ventured back yet after the intense competition season.
The team press release was published in this week's local paper, a two page large spread!

Wednesday, Rebecca came to our tap clsas to "help" her Mommy teach, so a selfie with abuela was in order.

Thursday I drove up to Grace Village to visit Mother and  be there Friday for a special lunch with a retired missionary, Alice Peacock. She spoke of the current state of the work, the many new churches. So interesting to hear of the growth of the Grace Brethren mission now totally under national leadership after 100 years, while at the same time reading Aunt Margaret's fascinating letters from the early years.

My visit coincided with  an opportunity that opened up for Mother to move into the Assisted Living area. We took her up to see the apartment she will be moving into this coming week.

Pondering the move
I was glad to be home again Friday afternoon. Mike was out riding, his longest one yet, and pain-free! I suggested we start tandem-dates again. So today, Sunday was our first of the season (and my last as a 72 year-old.) We rode some 12 miles.

Kayla invited us over for a Mother's Day cookout.

Our hosts
 Rebecca insisted on going outside and took me for a  walk/run through the neighborhood.

We passed these lovely poppies and picked some other flowers on our way.

Other family updates:
--Elijah broke his wrist last Sunday and is wearing a short cast for about four weeks.
--Kristie still has some very bad days and nights. After the type of surgery she had it takes a long time for the rearranged organs and the digestive system to function normally.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for Kristie! I'm glad your mother will be moving to an assisted living apartment. How does she feel about it? And, of course, Rebecca is the star! So cute!


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