A few leftover Christmas notes: a close-up of the butter-bell, and a few more handcrafted items.
Leah designs and paints her own Christmas cards each year.
Chef-son, the Carver, made all the guys a clay key chain. I wanted a photo of all of them, but that didn't happen. So here is the one for his dad, the duck hunter.
The latest ornament on the tree, made by potter/carver/friend Gina.
We enjoy our tree till January 6th, Día de Reyes.
However, I am slowly saying goodbye to Christmas, storing away the memories, and pondering resolutions, if any, for the new year.
Monday, Elijah was with us while the others visited
grandpa Sholes and showed off the new baby. Only three are allowed per visit, plus little ones up to two years of age if they are on someone's lap. (Read about David https://deathbylethalsubjection.wordpress.com/)
It took both of us to entertain the boy!
He helped Grandpa Mike with the snow-plowing and they also went around checking for deer tracks. And they built a ship together, one of Elijah's Christmas gifts.
Elijah beat me at dominoes twice! I can't even remember all the other fun things we did.
But I do treasure in my heart something he said,
"You know what God told me, Grandma?"
"What was that?"
"To fight the people that do bad."
"You mean, like the Elijah in the Bible who had to kill the evil prophets?
A few days earlier, he had mentioned how he liked to fight and destroy. Our first reaction was a negative one, then we remembered men in the Bible called to stand up for God and righteousness, even as the prophet Elijah.
Tuesday and Wednesday I was very focused on the reading and writing assignment due, the last one.
Now I am wondering, should I sign up for the next course beginning January 21?
I have no doubt about continuing to focus on writing life stories, only a question about formal training vs. personal discipline in learning and practicing the craft. Deadlines and feedback are very valuable. Don't know if I can attain the same goals on my own.
Thursdays I feel relieved to have the pressure over. And on this last day of the year, we had an exciting event to look forward to: the robotics team that Mike mentors had their second annual ball drop.
Would you believe, this ball is more sophisticated than the one used in New York in 2007?!
Fun facts:
The ball:
60 aluminum triangles with 15 lights each, 900 total LEDs
42" in diameter
2 miles of wiring inside!
2 computers to run it
The scrolling display below has 420 LEDs.
This year's message: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO MUNCIE FROM TEAM 1720 2009-2010
I was inside selling popcorn till the last moment.
A friend took this photo, the caption "Popcorn Queen"
Happy New Year!