Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Our friends in Basque Country, Amaia's family, made us a gift. They said it took a year to 'cultivate'. It is the real thing, nothing fake. A dried sunflower arranged in the hundreds-of-years-old traditional manner to create a house ornament meant to ward off evil spirits.

They no longer hold that belief. We have the One who created the sunflower to walk through life with us and guard us from evil.

Surprisingly, this lovingly crafted gift, though fragile made the trip safely in a perfect size cardboard box.

We are home, sleeping in our own bed, catching up on our reality here in the USA while trying to process our experience in the Basque Country, and healing. Mike, who fell on his tail bone twice, went to the chiropractor for some adjustment, and I got sick the last day, had no voice or hearing on the trip back, so went to my doctor.


  1. I'm glad you're home! I love your gift! Hope you both feel better soon & I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip.

  2. get plenty of rest...let recuperation take you both over...sweet gift...eager to hear about your travels

  3. I've been praying you'll feel better soon. The flower is lovely; can't wait to see it in person.


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