Loving the early morning walks this fall.
Enjoying the few seasonal decorations.
Ivan (Hoyt sibling #4) and Kim's Indiana business trip allowed for several visits with Mother. Monday morning, the last time, they joined her in the ARTcare studio.
In the afternoon, on the way to the airport to head back to Las Vegas, they had enough time to drop by for a visit and even stop at the shop where Mike spends every day plugging away at the huge restoration project.
I go every day, for a short visit, with a lunch to share, and to see and document the progress on the building. Michael looks very tired, but doggedly determined to persevere to the end. Occasionally a friend comes by to help.
Friday was Grandparents' Day for Royerton Elementary. Jude is in 1st grade and Zion in 4th. Sadly, Zion was sick and couldn't be there. Strangely enough, the same thing happened last year. Pobrecito.
And, poor Jude also! Grandma (that would be me) wrote down the wrong time, and didn't make it in time for the planned classroom activity and tour of the school. He had been so excited anticipating my visit. So sad.
I did, however, arrive in time for the entire first grade program in the auditorium. He must not have seen me make my grand entrance across to the left side and wave to him. He looked so sad throughout, like he didn't care about any one else in the audience.
After their music performance, the classes were dismissed. I followed Jude's line closely all around the school, trying to catch up with him. He was up front close to the teacher. As I was approaching, I heard him say, "I wonder why my grandma didn't come." Just then I caught up with him and said, "Because your grandma made a mistake."
The kind teacher allowed me in the classroom and we completed the fun activity with questions such as, "What was your favorite lunch when you were in elementary school?" I had to explain that we did not have lunch at school in Argentina, we either went to school all morning or all afternoon. Then I got to take home this sweet note.
For Kayla's 28th birthday, October 5, she asked that we have a Friday evening Waffle and Game Night. I made a high protein waffle mix (1 cup cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 1/2 cup flour . . .), Leah prepared bacon, and we had a grand variety of fruit, jam and syrup toppings. The The waffles were a big hit, especially with peaches.
Kayla brought some favorite games. A long Monopoly session took precedence. Unfortunately, the birthday-girl was the first one out. Matt, her brilliant husband, won.
Rebecca and I went for a walk through a path in the woods, and Winnie the Pooch, our neighbors' dog, followed us back.
Saturday I attended two Homecoming events: bright and early, the 5K at Taylor; and later the Golden Gathering at Grace.
Immediately after the last physical therapy session, I returned to the year-long InVitATION (Inspiring Vitality and Transformation in our Neighborhood) program which I'd begun in January and discontinued temporarily after the accident.
One of the goals I'd been working on was to build in more movement into my schedule, and increased intensity. Specifically, I had wanted to challenge myself to participate in a 5K race once a month. That has not worked out as I hoped, but I just couldn't miss the one opportunity so very close to home and on a beautiful day. I was the only female in my age category so I received a First Place medal.
However, the best part of the experience was that a former student recognized me and I got to meet his family! He was a Freshman in my Spanish class at Taylor.
Carter, J.R., Bennett, Megan Briggs |
After lunch I set off for Winona Lake, visited with Mother and Aunt Margaret for a bit, and then at 4:30 joined a few dozen Grace alums from 45 years ago or more.
Apart from the great meal and learning about the latest developments in the story of Grace College and Seminary, the best part was meeting up with a couple who were missionaries in the Phillippines with whom we had stayed in touch for many years a long time ago. So much to talk about.
Jake and Lillian (Thiessen '64) Leyenaar |
Michael worked all day with a few other members of the robotics team to clear everything out of Madjax. Sadly, it meant a lot of heavy lifting, not enough help, and the task is not finished.
Jude's 7th birthday is coming up, October 8. Sam and Elijah worked three days on an-impossible-to-keep "surprise."
And Saturday afternoon there was a birthday celebration for family and friends, but we could not be everywhere.
Enough excitement for one week! How was your week?