Here's another gorgeous bouquet from cousin Karin to brighten our days with varied colored tulips.
Our own area is blossoming with wild and planted blooms.
This last week of March was bookended with birthday celebrations--Kalani the first Sunday and his Papaw Jimmy the next.
Opening his many gifts was a slow process, tearing off bits of wrapping paper and handing them to us, or just sitting on the gift. Though he was shirtless and readied to dive into his special cake, he didn't make a big deal of it. And, of course, this one-year-old could not appreciate his six-year-old cousin's heart-felt birthday card just yet.
It was a joy and privilege to meet with my friend Petey for breakfast Monday. It seems our meeting times are not as regular now with increased grandmotherly duties.
Michael has significantly increased his fatherly involvements this week, still working some hours daily at Stephan's and also helping Leah's dream art studio become a reality.
Purlins, do you know what they are? And can you see the window frame he was putting together?
Tuesday, March 23, I was remembering Milt Koch, my father-in-law, who passed away on that day in 2003 at age 86 after a long ten years battling crippling illnesses.
Tuesday afternoons, when Rebecca is here, we walk the trash up the lane to the road for Wednesday pick-up. She insists on trying to pull it up on her own.
My adventure in filming began Wednesday. Kendra, our resident film major, needed a 75 year-old for her senior narrative, thus I became "Miss Holly" despite my age (76).
The setting for the first shoot was a bed and breakfast nearby with a lovely lake. There on the bridge my "godson" broke up with Quinn, his fiancee. He died shortly thereafter.
Here you can glimpse the crew but not the massive impressive equipment required.
To transport, load and unload, set up, dismantle all that is already a major task. The team had three very long days filming in different sets. The novice actors didn't make it any easier for them.
Michael gets out for extended bike rides again, some 40 miles Saturday.
Meanwhile, I was at Jack's "funeral" faking sorrow. Daughter Leah joined me as an extra. We don't look very sad here!
Sunday was our final March birthday celebration--a dinner out with Leah and Jimmy.
March is almost over, but life marches on relentlessly. What surprises will next week bring?