Monday, November 18, 2013

2013 Week 46: Birthdays, snow, art, and more

Sunday we had a couple young ladies over for dinner to help celebrate a birthday.

In the evening, as is our custom every week, we joined the college students' fellowship group at the home of pastor Dan.
I enjoyed singing Spanish lullabies to their baby and I think she liked it too.

Monday went by without a photo. However, we received a newsy e-mail from our friends in the Basque Country. They had run a race and were even filmed for a documentary. I found photos of Edurne on the website.

Tuesday we woke up to snow.

Oops! Looks like I left the aloe plant out too long.

Wednesday I looked up from my desk and caught a glimpse of a colorful streak in the sky. Yes, many hours spent at the computer this week. Family photo calendars are on their way now, and Christmas cards are already here!

Thursday was hair cut day. My hair dresser is so close to SIL Diane's place that we try to plan an outing together before or after my appointment. She wanted to go to IHOP. I think the stuffed French toast she ordered looks very yummy!

If we lived close by, and had the time, I think we would enjoy going to Ball State University's annual international festival--The Amazing Taste. Instead, we are limited to a Facebook photo of Stephan-son's huge ice creation for the occasion.

Mike's art took on another strengthening layer Friday, fine stone this time.

Saturday, Malachi had family and friends over to celebrate his upcoming 15th birthday.
Mom-Kristie did a marvelous job of planning and preparing.

He has been taking the safety course for hunting. Now with this birthday gift he can get started and follow in the tradition of his Koch ancestors.

I just had to add these happy pictures of the little ones.

Another week has flown by and the next one holds no promise of slowing down. I suspect the pace will only accelerate till the end of the year.


  1. Oh the very idea of photo calendars is too much for me - as you know Mike takes really great photos every week. I wouldn't know where to start!

    I'm fascinated by the art process on that bust - can't wait to see the final product!

  2. your deck and backyard look so peaceful--not so pleasant with the snow, though. i'm a weenie when it comes to cold, being a texas girl. its cooler today, but got up to 90 degrees yesterday.
    love the ice sculpture; how cool!! pun intended. :-)

  3. Very cool ice sculpture!
    Always interesting to see what Mike's experimenting with :)
    I enjoy seeing the photos of snow... able to enjoy the beauty without having to experience it firsthand. hahaha


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