Thursday, May 5, 2011

Plaza de los Fueros

Adventures in Europe series
Picking up again where we left off in Gernika.

Moving on from the tree under which their laws (fueros) were upheld, we wandered to the square that bears that name--la Plaza de los Fueros.

House of Culture
Notice the statue of the founder, the Count don Tello, who granted Gernika village status in 1366. The monument reads--Lord of Biscay.

The Basque flag flies against the backdrop of a blood spattered building. I cannot read the sign. I hope someone will enlighten me.

 So we walked down into the square.

What did we find? A soccer match in progress.

Guess who joined in?

1 comment:

  1. gracias por compartir las fotos y el pequeño video.. gracias por querer llegar a la gente y mostrar a traves de palabras y fotos el sentir de tu corazon.


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