Countdown of the week, starting today:
Day 7--Saturday, January 31--our 39th anniversary.
There's a lot to see in this photo:
Our love letters and first years' memories are contained in the album on the right, and that's us, yes, a long time ago.
The album and the quilted wall hanging are early creative pieces by our recently awarded Kreative Blogger, Just a Southern Girl, my own SIL!
However, I took this picture because I am in total disbelief that the dresser and, in fact, the entire bedroom have remained clean and tidy for two whole weeks already. This has to be a record. Could it be we are turning over a new leaf?

Days 4 - 6 : Two Snow Days and a 2 hr. delay
Heavy snow, drifting, not this much since 13 years ago they say.

No pay, tis true, but TIME to catch up on lesson plans and paper work. Even so I feel so scattered. Will I ever get a handle on this new job?
No photos for Days 2 and 3, only work, work, work; long days, 4 schools, many kids.

Jay's message, based on James 4:7-10, was especially meaningful to me: we are human AND spiritual beings; the world we live in is broken and exerts such a pull. I worry about our grandchildren growing up in this mess. My prayer for each is that they seek God first. A special quote by A.W. Tozer, stuck with me: Every Christian has to choose between two pains: the pain of double mindedness or the pain of being crucified.
Day 7--Saturday, January 31--our 39th anniversary.
There's a lot to see in this photo:
Our love letters and first years' memories are contained in the album on the right, and that's us, yes, a long time ago.
The album and the quilted wall hanging are early creative pieces by our recently awarded Kreative Blogger, Just a Southern Girl, my own SIL!
However, I took this picture because I am in total disbelief that the dresser and, in fact, the entire bedroom have remained clean and tidy for two whole weeks already. This has to be a record. Could it be we are turning over a new leaf?
Days 4 - 6 : Two Snow Days and a 2 hr. delay
Heavy snow, drifting, not this much since 13 years ago they say.
I don't mind. I quite enjoy staying home and looking out the window at the glittering snow.
In winter I can see two neighbors' homes through the trees. Can you?No photos for Days 2 and 3, only work, work, work; long days, 4 schools, many kids.
Day 1, Sunday, was far from being the Day of Rest, but a GOOD Lord's Day nevertheless.
Jr. Church, Six for Kicks, and a birthday party...
In Jr. Church we talked about how God blesses those who fear Him, both small and great, the story of Gideon who was feeling very inadequate to the task yet obeyed and with a very small army and the most unlikely weapons won a resounding victory.
Our Six4Kicks fellowship group met for dinner a last time. What an uncommon gathering, much like heaven will be--a retired professor now crippled by Lou Gerig's disease, his loving care-taker wife, another retired couple, a widow and veteran missionary, and two Ritas! Sooooo many stories of God's grace!
Our Six4Kicks fellowship group met for dinner a last time. What an uncommon gathering, much like heaven will be--a retired professor now crippled by Lou Gerig's disease, his loving care-taker wife, another retired couple, a widow and veteran missionary, and two Ritas! Sooooo many stories of God's grace!
We had just watched the story of Lou and Eleanor Gerig: A Love Affair, a very inspiring story. Our own friend's acceptance of his condition and ever cheery disposition is exemplary and encouraging.
Jay's message, based on James 4:7-10, was especially meaningful to me: we are human AND spiritual beings; the world we live in is broken and exerts such a pull. I worry about our grandchildren growing up in this mess. My prayer for each is that they seek God first. A special quote by A.W. Tozer, stuck with me: Every Christian has to choose between two pains: the pain of double mindedness or the pain of being crucified.
Finally, a birthday party for 4 year-old grandson with his little preschool friends. This was the dramatic pose after each bowling session.

Birthday prayer for Elijah:
Father of lights in whom there is no variation or shadow of turning, thank You for your good and perfect gift to our family.
Elijah has been dedicated to You. Keep him from the pain of living a double life. Like Elijah of old may he clearly and boldly follow You and speak your words.
Even at this early age may he open his heart to you and learn trust daily.
For Jesus' sake. Amen.