Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Keeping on keeping on

We've had occasional snow flurries or snowfalls, not much not long lasting.

Hiking opportunities continue unhindered by the weather. We enjoy trying different views and challenges. One day we went back to the Bloodroot Trail and another time tried a new access point to the Cross Country trail.

I look forward to meeting times with my neighbor friend Petey. This week their granddaughter was staying with them, so at the end of our breakfast outing, Jim and Edna came to pick up Nana and I got this sweet photo.

Another time I look forward to every week is with our great granddaughter Rebecca. She and I watch the Basics Bible story video, work with Play-Doh, color together, and then call Emily, her leader.

This week, instead of Kayla picking Rebecca up here after her day at the library, we met at Elijah's birthday party here in Upland at Wandering Wheels (under new ownership, don't know if it has a different name).  All enjoyed the swimming pool, but Rebecca didn't wander far in nor get involved in the games.

There were interesting displays about the room representing Elijah throughout his 16 years. Notice the favorite funniest photo.

Over the weekend, our kitchen was turned into a biology lab as Kendra completed the last five labs of the online biology course she started over Christmas break. She stuck with it in marathon-fashion, another module and the exam the next day. Now she can focus on the courses for her major.

She did take a break Sunday to go to church, and eat, of course. We had invited a friend for dinner. Both went down to the pottery room and chose one of  Michael's recently thrown and glazed Upland mugs.  

Speaking of Kendra's major. . . we were able to view some of her films, including the Redeye produced last week which ended with scenes on our porch. Here are a couple of the frames.

Sadly, Moriah was exposed to the virus so is quarantining away from Taylor and us for a few days.

Among the pics and memories that surface on Facebook was this special photo of the professors I worked for as secretary years ago. Three of them are no longer with us, others have retired or moved elsewhere. Only one remains in the BSCP (Biblical Studies, Christian Ministries and Philosophy) department. 

1 comment:

  1. I used to think I might be interested in chemistry until I took it in high school - the teacher was horrible & I lost any interest that I might have had. And it's just as well - I don't have the right mindset for science.

    I'm glad Moriah is taking precautions to keep you guys safe!


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