Friday, December 11, 2009

Circle of Friends Award!

I was officially inducted into the august Circle of Friends by my DIL, who was awarded by my SIL, who in turn was recognized by another blogger in this cyberspace community of 'friends'. I have truly enjoyed the 'virtual' fellowship blogging affords. I look forward to checking new posts every day, and also noticing who has visited my blog that day. All that to say that I am grateful for my circle of friends.

Like most privileges, this one comes with a responsibility as well. The rules for this award:
--list five things I like
--pass the award on to five friends

For the first part, I chose to limit my likes to the Christmas category, and keep in mind that these are things, not action verbs, feelings, abstract concepts. So, here goes:

1. The star-shaped lights husband puts up every year, sometimes later than I or he would like, whenever he can get around to it after all the more pressing issues or emergencies are taken care of, and most often when the weather has turned super cold (for that he is my hero!).
This two-story tall star can be seen from the road, through the woods, and like the Star of Bethlehem, announces the reason why we celebrate CHRISTmas.

2. The various Nativities we have collected over the years: large, small, even tiny, fancy or plain, rubber or clay. A most meaningful one stands by our front door. Mary and Joseph are simply dressed tomato cages with styrofoam heads and hands, and the babe in the manger is a wrapped tomato juice can. It perfectly suits our porch, but more importantly it will always remind me of the special friends that made the set for us. Steve is in heaven already, he made the wooden manger. And Viola sits in bed or in her wheel chair keeping at her many crafts, and hoping someone will drop by for a visit.

3. The dove ornaments. The tree went up yesterday, and Mike strung the lights. I found a dozen new dove ornaments purchased at after-Christmas discounts and then forgotten. They are so pretty. I haven't gotten out all the other decorations yet, but among them are a variety of doves. They speak to me of the Holy Spirit.

4. The Home for the Holidays wooden sign. I hang it out front for when the family gathers for our together-Christmas. I loved it when the kids came back and were able to stay overnight or several days. As we age and the family grows this becomes more difficult, but still the time we do have will be precious.

5. The Christmas carols. I have tried over the years to play all the carols in the hymnbook at least once during the season. When I didn't have a piano, I was able to go to the nursing home nearby and play theirs during meal times to an appreciative audience. Now, with my own piano, hubby's great gift last year, I kinda wish we'd sing together as a family, but I doubt that could happen. Considering our manner of singing the birthday song, it would not be a very pleasant or melodious experience!

(Come back Sunday to see photos of most if not all of the above in Project 365 post)

And now for the five awardees:

There are three other family members that are in my circle of readers: Lizzie, Kathy, and Lynn.
And I need two more. I will draw from the bloggy-friends that I have never met, but sometimes feel I know because we have participated in Project 365 together and viewed one another's weekly photo-journals for nearly a year now. I choose Edie, who is also a grandmother, and Dena. Both have inspired me.


  1. Rita, thank you so much! You bless and inspire me as well, and I feel honored to have the chance to get to know you. I pray that someday we can meet in person.

    As far as your likes, I see we have one thing in common - I too collect Nativities. :)

  2. Oh, surely we'd sing Christmas Carols better than the birthday song.


  3. Thank you so much for thinking of me Rita. That is such a blessing and an honor.

    I Love, Love, Love all your favorite things for Christmas! That star of Bethlehem sounds spectacular! Would love to see a picture. Hmmm maybe in the next P365??? :D

    I started collecting nativities too but not for very long so I don't have many, but I love them. I love representing the birth of Christ at Christmas! Isn't that what it's all about?

    Would like to see those doves too. I'm liking that idea.

    Thanks again for including me in your Circle of Friends!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Look forward to seeing photos of your Christmas decorations! Am hoping to get our tree up tomorrow.

  5. I can wait to see the pictures tomorrow!!! most of my christmas decorations have special meaning too. This year is bittersweet as I was given some of my Aunt's Christmas decorations. I love looking at them but they hurt my heart too as I miss her.

    I wish I could play the piano, my boys play but I can't get them to play the things I want! ha!


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