Sunday, September 7, 2014

2014 Week 36: Labor Day . . .

The day began earlier than usual for us with the annual race. Mike made a brave effort but the hip pain returned very early. Again I beat all the other females my age who did not show up.

Another t-shirt, another medal
I could have walked in the parade with several groups, but chose the Upland Greenway. Mike is on the committee working hard to join sections of the trail that would bring it through Upland.

We enjoyed hanging out by Leah's house to watch the rest of the parade and visit with family and friends.
Rebecca Rose slept through all the attention.

Two great grandmas cuddle the little sleeping beauty

And was well protected by three body guards. Can you see two of them? The third one is on the other side, of course.

Labor Day officially marks the end of summer activities. The weather and other changes will follow.

The flower garden at the end of summer
We've enjoyed watching the birds as we eat breakfast. Some wait their turn, others fight for theirs.

Stephan delivered this ice sculpture to an event and then stopped by on his way home.

Butter Flies

Michael finally got some relief from the recurring hip pain. The chiropractor and ex-rays determined what was causing it. He goes back a couple times this week for further adjustments.

Mother, however, has been dealing with vertigo for a week or so and still no relief. We went to see her Friday to be there when the therapist was  scheduled to see her, but she did not come.

Saturday we went to Malachi's cross country meet. It was a huge invitational with 71 teams, 2016 runners total--small and big schools, girls and boys. He did well, a second personal record in a week!

We took in yet another town festival in neighboring Matthews--the Covered Bridge Festival. Michael walked considerably more than he has been able to although he did stop and rest for intervals.
We met up with many people we know, always a lot of fun.

So, teaching is going well although I am still exploring the new text book and all the resources available.

Here's one of the questions the students are learning and I ask you, ¿Qué hay de nuevo? (What's new?)

1 comment:

  1. Love that picture of Malachi - and of course, RR :)

    Glad Mike is getting some relief - hope your mom is better now!

    LOVE your flower picture! I would love to do something like that in our front yard, but I need a jackhammer to dig in our VERY firm lawn.


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