Saturday, February 28, 2015

2015 Week 9: Ice and Cold

 The week began very early for son Stephan, who after a sleepless set up an ice desk for the weather reporters of WISH TV 8 Indianapolis. Later they interviewed him-- WISH 8 TV Interview with Stephan Koch--and for two days one of them stood behind the desk for a short while during each weather report. They had fun with their new prop, but refrained from sticking their tongue to it!

As most Mondays, we went to Stephan and Karen's that evening, just as the sun was setting, and enjoyed another good meal.

A practice piece still stood out in the yard. The competition car won a second place a couple weeks ago.

Tuesday was a day of errands and visits, among them to my friend and co-in-law, just out of the hospital after a heart procedure.

Wednesdays we often eat with other seniors at the Lion's Club. It's fun to slowly get to know each one's story. For some 25 years this lady has been training dogs to serve as guides to the blind. Some have ended up in other countries, in fact one of them lives in the Basque Country now. Hmmm, I wonder if it had to learn Basque commands?

Later that afternoon I had a special visitor!

Can't you just see her becoming a ballerina like the little ones her mom teaches?

Thursday bright and early Stephan and Mike flew out of Indianapolis and arrived safely in Fairbanks, Alaska much later that day after three flights.


Friday was a day to get set up on their site, make acquaintances or meet old ones, and admire the Single Block pieces.

Day 0, Site 15

 Look who came back for a longer visit! We are having record low temperatures so the Kerns came to  stay until they get their water back.

Today, Saturday, I stopped by Leah's and was impressed with all her new arrangements and decor.

A little bit of paint gives a snazzy new look to some old boots.

And a small clump of clay in Leah's gifted hands become miniature creatures with character! A turtle to add to my collection spawned a whole family of turtles. These haven't been painted yet. Wait till you see the entire collection!

Mike is missing the first robotics competition of the season, but probably has no time to think about it as their first of six days of ice carving comes to an end.

Watch the team at work on It's snowing there. Here too.


  1. That baby is just the cutest thing! And you look so happy with her on your lap...

    Wow - love that Stephen made the ice desk for the news team - so cool! I'm wishing him luck in Alaska...

  2. I get cold just looking at those photos from Alaska!

    She'll totally grow up to be a ballerina! :) How could she not, with such a talented mama to teach her?!

  3. Brr... After all that cold, I hope Stephan and Mike get first place. Don't break a leg, though. Our missionary doctor is in Albertville for language study. During winter break they went skiing, and their oldest son broke a leg and spent the rest of his break in the hospital.


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