It was the year of the tranvías--street cars free to whoever would haul them away. Dad had a great idea: why not put two together, join and remodel them into a church-like meeting place for the seedling congregations in other towns? So he shared the vision and just enough money came in to cover the considerable costs of cranes and and huge trucks.
Dad and his 'boys', the young men of the church, worked on refurbishing the used-to-be public transportation. They soon realized someone had to be there 24/7 to prevent vandalism.
All this to say that Alan arrived during this hectic time. Dad was able to get Mother to the hospital in downtown Buenos Aires, but he could not stay awake for the big event! you suppose he was born into the transportation-repair-as-a- means-to-reach-people mindset?
Happy birthday 'little' brother!
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