Sunday, April 19, 2009

Project 365: Week 16:

Going back to Easter Sunday--some of Kayla's beautifully decorated egg-critters.

One of her artistic endeavors resembled our own Goldilocks--Kristie!

I didn't capture anything photo-worthy in the daily work routine.
One morning, however, I was surprised to see a long train on the bridge going out of town. It's been there ever since. Is this the end of an era? The train used to play a very important role in the area.

Friday brought some excitement in the form of our youngest grandson, the very one who used to call me Meemaw. He and Peepaw put their hands together to turn a little pot.

The next day, Elijah and Meemaw had fun walking to Taylor Lake. We had a little rest on the prayer deck.

Then Elijah experimented with the camera. Here's his best shot, of Meemaw herself!

On the way home we found a plastic bag and filled it full of trash--our good deed for the day.
And back home we picked all the flowers from this one clump--for Mommy!

Now go on over to make music from your heart to the Lord to see more weekly photos, and above all make music in your heart and have a good week!


  1. those egg critters are so cute!!!

    What great moments to capture with your grandkids!!

    great week!

  2. Nice pictures this week. You sure have fun with your grandkids - that is great !!!!

  3. Ah, loved the one of Meemaw! He did a good job :-) Excellent photos, Rita. Thanks for the little e-mail update on dad and mom. I haven't had a chance to talk to Tina much this week (her schedule is crazy busy) so we hadn't heard how things were going.

  4. What great photo memories of a wonderful week!


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