Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why do I run 5Ks?

This morning I ran another 5K race and pondered the question ( in the title, NOT the one on the T-shirt!).
Help me understand myself better by casting your vote for all the options you think apply to me.
I have listed some in no particular order.

a. to get a race T-shirt.
b. to place in my age category and earn a medal
c. to get a door prize, hopefully worth more than the race fee
d. to keep up with my husband's fitness feats.
e. to meet other runners.
f. to prove that I can still do this, even with minimal or no training.
g. to lose weight.
h. to get out in the sun and absorb vitamin D
i. as a physical discipline
j. as a spiritual discipline
k. to learn perserverance
l. to follow the example of DILs and consuegra and friends who run
m. to inspire others
n. to think, ponder and plan blog posts
o. Other:............................................................................................

I will post the findings next week.


  1. hmmmmm.....I think maybe i, j, l and then I might add....because you are crazy!!! :)

  2. I would guess d,e,f,i and k. Maybe I would add j and l.

  3. All of the above, girl!!! anyone who runs gets a gold star in my book!

  4. Robin's right, it's all of the above, isn't it?


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